10 reasons to hire Franden | Farris | Quillin | Goodnight + Roberts to form your limited liability company (LLC):
- 1. Franden Farris has extensive experience forming all types of business entities;
- 2. Reasonable and competitive rates;
- 3. The firm completes your articles of organization, operating agreement, initial formation minutes, Oklahoma business registration packet, obtains your record book and any necessary Oklahoma sales tax permit, and provides guidelines on maintaining limited liability status;
- 4. The firm obtains any necessary required licensing with local, state, and federal agencies;
- 5. Franden Farris acts as your yearly registered agent at no charge;
- 6. You will receive yearly reminders to complete the required forms and pay the required fee to the Oklahoma Secretary of State;
- 7. The firm has experience handling all types of LLC transactions;
- 8. The firm is an established commercial and business litigation partner if the need arises;
- 9. We have extensive knowledge dealing with regulatory and taxing agencies if issues surface; and
- 10. Franden Farris was established over 95 years ago. It will be here in the future for your continuing legal needs.